Carlton Fisk Countdown: #34

Today’s card is the 1987 Fleer card of Carlton. I like this card for a couple of reasons. The first is my unnatural love for the batting practice jerseys of the 1980’s. The Sox had some great warm up jerseys. This was the road jersey that I have been trying to find for many years. The second reason is the card design. I can’t explain why but I loved this card in 1987, and I like the design toady. It is simple, but effective. I saved up my money and bought this set when it first came out. It was the first set that I took out of the box and put in plastic pages in a binder. I wanted to be able to look at the cards all the time. This set has since been broken up and placed with my other singles in various monster boxes. Maybe a goal of next winter will be to get this set back in pages to see if I still have all the cards.

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